
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend Recap

As usual, there was very little down time and a lot of craziness going on for the Hart's this weekend. And also as usual, I don't have a whole lot of time to blog this's a quick recap!

We ran 5 miles with the TEAM at 630 a.m. on Saturday, did a TON of yard work, went to the rental property and did some work there, worked on the pool, Chris worked a lot and did a bunch of school work, and I FINALLY finished up one of my small projects that I've been working on off and on for the past few weeks. I also managed to make a little bit of progress on my other "small" project that is turning out to be anything but, and will blog about both of those later on this week.

We did mix in sprinkles of fun with all of the work. Saturday at about 5, our neighbor drove by and invited us over for dinner at 7. Saweet!! It was soo good! On Sunday afternoon, we went to our friends Lauren and Greg's for a super fun Memorial Day BBQ.

And for training on Monday, we ran 3 miles after dinner. Not smart. We waited about an hour and a half before running, but that still wasn't enough time for our food to digest! Saturday's 5 miler was easier than yesterday's 3 miler. I don't know that we'll make that mistake again!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day Weekend!!

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