
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm Sew Excited!

Does anyone know what this is?!

Maybe from this angle?

Just in case you still haven't figured it out, here's the final clue:

Yep!  It's a sewing machine cabinet, with the sewing machine to go along with it!!  I took it from my T. Mom this past weekend, and am SO (or should I say sew?!) excited about it!

For those of you that know me personally, this is probably hilarious to you.   Yes, it's true, I don't know how to sew a button on...and I have a new found love of fabri-tac for clueless people like myself.  But I think I can do anything, and next on the list is to conquer sewing!

So if any of my crafty friends that live over in this area want to come over and give me a tutorial on how to use this beast, I'd love it!  Otherwise...there's always the internet.

I've got a few big projects I'm working on...being out of town last week left me little to blog about craft wise this week!  Hope everyone's having a great week...happy hump day!


  1. Looks just like my sewing machine! It was my mom's wedding gift so it is quite old but still works great. I don't have a fancy table tho, so I sew on the floor. Let me know if you want help. =)

  2. Oh I love the cabinet!! It is going look fabulous!! Sewing takes practice but anyone can do it!! I've been sewing since I was tiny, but I have introduced alot of my friends to sewing and they are now really good!! I believe in ya!! Good luck!!

  3. Perfect Erin! We'll have to have a 'teach Kara to sew' date soon!!

    Thanks Haley! I'm kind of fat fingered and uncoordinated, but I'm determined too...that's gotta count for something, right?! :-)

  4. Hey, Kara, if you find someone willing to teach you...I'd love to learn too! I'll drive on up there! :)

  5. i have this same cabinet -- was my mom's and i just picked it up from my sister -- trying to figure out how to put the machine back in it!

  6. I bought a cabinet but the drop door will not fall back in place. Yours is the exact model as mine. I cannot find it anywhere else. Can you please let me know what store may have sold it? I am trying to take a picture of the latch underneath to see what part is missing if anything because once again the machine will not drop back down to the cabinet. Can you please send me a picture of the bottom of the panel the drops the sewing machine down. A picture of the latches underneath on the sides.


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!