
Monday, April 12, 2010

Rock Project - Part 1

The rock project isn't 100% complete yet, but I'll still post the before and after pictures as promised. We broke the work down into two sections, one area around the pool pump, and the other behind the actual pool itself. The pool pump area was smaller, but needed more digging out than the other area, so we tackled that first.

Here's the before:

I dug out the first quarter of the section...then Chris dug out the rest and made me use the little shovel to dig out around the pool pump equipment. Chris is all about instant gratification on these projects!

Chris: Babe, I need a break.
Me: A photo break?! Perfect!
Chris with his big shovel and me with my little one:

After we finished digging it all out, we raked it all even, and then sprayed a heavy coat of roundup on it. After waiting 30 minutes (taking a lunch break), we laid down wet newspaper (to further deter growth - thanks for the idea Janelle!), put the border/paver's down, and then put the rocks on top of the newspaper.

Kodi got bored by the end of it! We're almost done with part 1!

Friday evening I took a can of brown spray paint, moved the rocks back from the paver's, and spray painted the paver's and the stepping stones. I still need to do one more coat on the tops and sides of the stepping stones, but I think it actually turned out pretty decent! We saved a ton of $$ by re-using the existing paver's that were there and just spray painting them the color we wanted. It's outdoor spray paint, so it should last for a long time! We've still got to put in top soil, and maybe sod (if the grass doesn't spread) next to the paver's, but here's where part 1 stands now:

That's 1 ton of rock in there that we moved and put into place ourselves just for this area! I'll post part 2 later on in the week. Happy Monday!  I'm linking up to these fun parties...make sure to check them out!


  1. Looks nice! What do you mean Chris was ready for a break, he hadn't even finished his coffee! LOL

  2. Insane Projects means lots and lots and LOTS of coffee throughout the day!!! :-D How else do you think we keep up with it?!

  3. As much spray paint as I use, I never considered using it on pavers! Thanks for the idea.

  4. Oooh I really like that! The pavers, especially painted, really add a lot!

  5. Oh I so want to work in the garden now, it is so cold, and winter just started, how fun you two had, making this, he he. Great job!!

    Bella :)


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