
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

Oh where oh where do I begin?

Chris and I took off Thursday - Monday to work on a few things around the house and supposedly to catch up on a little R&R. HA! I don't really think I know how to rest and relax...I'm only capable of doing it if I'm AT a spa. My house, not so much...

In 2 1/2 weeks we will have lived in our 'new' house for a year already. Which made me come to the conclusion that we needed to get some of the projects we've been talking about doing for the past year DONE already!! I think the year mark is pretty much the longest you can go with blaming the previous owners for things that are wrong. We inherited AWFUL landscaping when we moved in, and a lot of it, so it's been a balancing act between the inside, the outside, Chris's schooling, work, and maintaining our sanity. I think the last item might be the first to go!

On Thursday we drove around and got all of the materials we needed to redo the landscaping around the back pool deck area. We also had a volleyball game and spent some time that night with our tenant who re-signed for another year (wahoo!!) and told us how amazing our old house was and all of the work we put into it. Although being landlords is not what we had in mind when redoing everything, she is absolutely amazing, and it is nice and rewarding to hear someone compliment our blood, sweat, and tears that we put into redoing that house.

I'm running out of time to blog about our weekends adventures, so I'm going to leave you with some before and after pics of our old house that we redid. Looking through here brings back so many memories...

Our first project, re-doing this bathroom:

We redid the lights, vanity top, toilet, sink, and painted the walls a lighter color of gray and texturized and painted the ceiling white. We were so proud...

Our next big project was the kitchen. I'm not quite sure why we thought going from that little bathroom remodel to redoing an entire kitchen was a good idea...but it all worked out!



Next was the fireplace. Chris came inside to find me beating the tile out with a hammer and just rolled his eyes and joined in helping. He's a good sport!


The project we ended on was the worst one. We redid the guest bathroom. Chris found out we were redoing THAT while he was sitting on the couch watching TV. I came walking across the living room with the old vanity top and sink that I had just ripped out. He pretty much goes with the flow though...thankfully! I start all the craziness...I am definitely the instigator in this family!!



We did redo all of the landscaping there too, but that yard was tiny compared to our current yard!! I'll post later on the adventures of this weekend. Hope everyone is having a great week!

1 comment:

  1. You have awesome style! Being a computer programmer causes me to follow facts and not be creative. I dream of having even a portion of your creativity! Your photos are great! Good Work!


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