
Monday, April 19, 2010

High's, Low's, and Everything In Between

I don't have pictures to share just yet of this weekends projects around the house, so I'll just write some highlights, low lights, and teasers.

High lights:
--Ashleigh and Adam don't care that I'm awful at singing, and we can rock out to the Wii all night long.
--I did not cook one meal this weekend, thanks to Chick-Fil-A Friday night, my wonderful hubby for breakfast and lunch on Saturday, our wonderful neighbors for dinner Saturday night, and the power going out on Sunday for quite awhile and again my wonderful husband for dinner Sunday night.
--We took time to relax and have *quite a few cups of coffee over brunch on Sunday. I love when we do this...I love just chit chatting with Chris!
--We cleaned out the 'junk' room and put stuff up in the attic so Chris's family has bedrooms to sleep in when they come in a few weeks.
--I'm almost finished working on a project that I'm really proud of...will post pics and details later!!
--I painted the baseboards in one of the kid rooms...doors / door trimmings / closet painting is all that's left!

Low Lights:
--I went to Jo-Ann's for fabric and felt like the biggest poser in the entire world.
--I went to Home Depot for sand paper and got told I looked like I worked there.
Yes, I know I fit in better at Home Depot than Jo-Ann's. No need to point out the obvious!
--The power and cable went out for a loooong time on Sunday morning. At 1030 I got back in bed and told Chris that I just couldn't make it through the day without coffee, so until then, I was going back to bed. (Plus side of this--yay brunch!)

--I love color on walls. I hate painting. That means all of my walls are going to be plain beige in this house so that I can just change out accents.
--Our generations version of a guitar and a campfire have changed to the Wii. I hope my kids get to experience a guitar and a campfire one day!!
--Chris is even MORE indecisive than I am. Amazingly so. Keep an eye out for Wednesday's / Thursday's post to hear more on why!

So, that's our weekend in a nutshell!! Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I wanna come play rock band! I'll bring food too =) (Hopefully Ash reads this, hehe)


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