
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tree Movers

Sorry I've been MIA on blog posts. We've been super busy. I can now add 'Tree Mover' to my list of qualifications that I'm capable of if this engineering thing doesn't work out for me.

The two trees on the right (in the pics below) were not there before Sunday. They were in the middle of our yard. When we moved in, we had some trees and dirt in the grass, no fence, no nada. We've spent quite a bit of time trying to get everything up to par, and for obvious reasons, focused on the front yard rather than the back at first.

We've still got more work to do in the front, but I decided that those trees needed to be moved NOW. Chris told me I was crazy, so I told him to go in and work on his school work while I moved the trees solo. Needless to say, he helped.

Here's a few pics of Kodi with the new trees...I think he approves!

Hope everyone has had a great's almost Friday...yessss!!!

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