
Monday, March 1, 2010

Funny News

I don't watch as much of the news as I should to keep up to date with things. Occasionally, when I'm channel surfing, if I hear something that peaks my interest, I'll stay tuned.

I'm pretty sure the goal of the news is not to be funny...but sometimes the news itself just cracks Chris and I up.

Last week, there was a report about a guy who got arrested for renting out homes that are going through foreclosures. That seems smart, not silly, right? The catch is that the guy didn't own a single one of the homes that he rented out (31). He'd put a note on the door claiming "adverse possession", and then switch out the locks, fix up the homes, and rent them out. In his news interview, he was very confused about why he was being arrested for "helping the county" by putting people in homes that would otherwise be empty.

Here's your sign...

And although this next story didn't happen in the Tampa Bay area, it is equally as humorous. There's a guy in Ohio whose home was being foreclosed on. To stop the bank from taking it, he BULLDOZED his $350,000 house down. Take THAT bank!!! That's one way to stop a foreclosure...

In other news that's not funny, but beautiful, one of my best friends, Ashleigh got married this past weekend. I don't have any pictures just yet, but if I get some, I'll post them on here so you can see what a beautiful, blessed, and fun event their wedding was! I was so thankful to be a part of such a beautiful event!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!

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